Navigating the Waters of Ship Propeller Replacement

We now delve into the intricate world of propeller replacement for ships, massive ships where precision and expertise turn the tide. Handling these giants of the sea requires a deep understanding of the signs...

The Business Benefits of Maritime Sustainability

The shipping industry stands at a crossroads between maintaining traditional operations and pivoting towards more sustainable practices. This transition isn’t just about environmental stewardship; it’s increasingly recognized as a smart business strategy. In “Green...

10-Step Guide to Launching 3D Printing Across Your Fleet

Welcome to the game-changing world of 3D printing on commercial ships! It’s like having a futuristic mini-factory on board that can whip up everything from door handles to complex machinery parts. Here is your...

3D Printing the Top 30 Replaceable Items Aboard Ships

In an era where technology continually reshapes the boundaries of possibility, the maritime industry stands on the cusp of a significant transformation. The advent of 3D printing aboard ships heralds a new age of...

50 Proven Strategies to Prevent Fires on Ships

Okay, let’s face it—implementing all 50 of these strategies would be a daunting task for any company, big or small. Keep in mind, this extensive list is designed not as a formidable checklist but...

AGV on Ships: AGV Cost vs Human Labor

Ever wondered how the future of logistics and manufacturing looks? Spoiler alert: it’s less about humans behind the wheel and more about smart robots taking the lead. But let’s break it down with a...

Quick Guide: Maritime AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles)

At the heart of modern commercial shipping and bustling port operations lie Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), technological marvels designed to make logistics smoother and more efficient. In essence, AGVs are self-driving vehicles that have...

2024: The Latest Piracy Solutions

From drones patrolling the skies to electrified barriers warding off unwanted boarders, the battle against piracy has entered a new era of innovation. This journey into the top 10 new tech solutions for deterring...

Fighting Piracy: Legal and Ethical Challenges

* Please send feedback/suggestions to editor @ The Anchor of Law in Unruly Waters International Waters, International Rules The ocean is vast, and its lawlessness requires some serious rule-making. International laws, like the...

Next-Gen Innovations in RORO Cargo Handling and Stowage

Contemporary RORO ships are marvels of engineering. They’re designed with multiple decks and intricate lashing points, ensuring that each vehicle or cargo piece is securely stowed. The focus isn’t just on packing in as...

Preparing for Successful Ship Financing

Securing financing for your next ship isn’t just about finding the right lender; it’s about making sure you’re in the best possible position to be seen as a worthy investment. Let’s dive into how...

8 Major Macro Factors Affecting Maritime Financing

Maritime financing isn’t just about buying a ship; it’s a complex dance of evaluating costs, risks, and returns. It involves diverse strategies like loans, leases, and bonds – all tailored to fit the colossal...

Quick Compare: VRCs vs. Freight Elevators on Ships

In the bustling world of maritime shipping, where time is money, and efficiency is king, choosing the right type of elevator can make all the difference. It’s about moving goods safely, quickly, and smoothly...

Big 5 Breakdown: Size, Fuel Burn, and Carrying Capacity

The backbone of global trade, these colossal vessels are more than just structures of steel and engine; they are moving cities, powerhouses of the sea, each with their own unique story. From the fuel-laden...

22 Considerations when Upgrading Your IBS

If you’re thinking about giving your ship’s Integrated Bridge System (IBS) a tech facelift, you’ve probably realized it’s a bit like navigating through uncharted waters – exciting but a tad overwhelming. Upgrading your IBS...

ROI when Upgrading Your IBS

Let’s talk about giving your vessel’s nerve center, the Integrated Bridge System (IBS), a facelift with the latest tech. Wondering what’s in store with a modern IBS upgrade? You’re about to find out. *...

Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS) and a Green Future

You’re already well-acquainted with the wizardry of Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS), so let’s cut to the chase and talk about how these systems are not just about slick navigation but also about steering us...

Awesome New Tech in Marine Cranes

Ever wondered how modern technology is revolutionizing marine cranes? Today’s cranes aren’t just big metal arms lifting stuff; they’re marvels of engineering, packed with smart tech and eco-friendly features. From cranes that talk to...

Cost/Install on the 12 Most Common Marine Cranes

From the high-flying jib cranes to the mighty bulk handlers, each crane has its unique role to play in the bustling world of shipping and marine operations. Let’s dive in and check out 12...

Price Guide: Underwater ROVs

We’ve broken down our guide into easy-to-digest sections to help you navigate through the murky waters of prices and features. From the ‘Basic’ buddies that won’t break the bank but do a bang-up job,...

The Rise of Underwater Drone Inspections

Welcome to the world of ship maintenance, where things are getting a serious tech upgrade! Remember the old days? Crews would have to do the hull inspections and maintenance the hard way – diving...

Ship Training Simulators – Cost-Benefit Analysis

Enter Marine Training Simulators – the cool tech tools in maritime training. These simulators are like super sophisticated video games, but way more educational and, frankly, life-saving. But what about when it comes to...

Ship Training Simulators: A Beginners Rundown

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Ship Training Simulators – or as I like to call it, the maritime metaverse. What Are Ship Training Simulators? Imagine stepping into a room and finding yourself...