Price Guide: Underwater ROVs

We’ve broken down our guide into easy-to-digest sections to help you navigate through the murky waters of prices and features. From the ‘Basic’ buddies that won’t break the bank but do a bang-up job, to the ‘Mid-Range’ mavens that balance cost with cool capabilities, all the way to the ‘Advanced’ aces that are the Ferraris of the underwater drone world – we’ve got it all covered. And because we know that the devil is in the details, we’ve also included a section on ‘Additional Costs’ to ensure you’re not caught off guard.

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Basic Models: Entry-Level Underwater Adventurers

Diving into the basics doesn’t mean skimping on fun or functionality. Let’s explore what our Basic Model underwater ROVs have to offer:


  • Budget-Friendly: Prices range from about $5,000 to $15,000.
  • Great Value: Ideal for those who need an underwater presence without the complexity or cost of more advanced models.

Did You Know? High-end underwater ROVs are now surprisingly affordable. The ROV line from Blueye starts at just over 5k.

Compact and Portable

  • Size Matters: Small and nifty, these ROVs are the epitome of portability. Easy to transport and deploy, they are perfect for quick inspections and casual explorations.
  • Shallow Water Specialists: Designed for shallower depths, they’re ideal for coastal and inshore use, making them perfect for novice explorers or light commercial tasks.

Functionality and Performance

  • Modest Depth Capability: While they won’t break any records for deep-sea diving, they provide a respectable range for many practical applications.
  • Simple Maneuverability: Expect straightforward controls. They won’t zigzag like a fish, but they’ll get you where you need to go, which is great for beginners.

Camera and Sensors

  • Clear Enough Vision: The camera quality is decent. It’s like having a good pair of binoculars underwater – not ultra-high definition, but you’ll definitely see what’s going on down there.
  • Basic Sensory Equipment: These models come with essential sensors to help you navigate and understand the underwater environment.

Who Are They For?

  • First-Time Buyers: If you’re just starting out or need a drone for light tasks, these are a perfect fit.
  • Cost-Conscious Explorers: Whether it’s for a small business or personal exploration, you get what you need without denting your wallet.

Mid-Range Models: Your Versatile Underwater Professionals

Step up your underwater exploration game with our Mid-Range Model ROVs, balancing cost with some seriously cool capabilities. Here’s a deep dive into what these ROVs bring to your maritime missions:

Price Point

  • Mid-Range Budget: With prices ranging from around $15,000 to $50,000, these ROVs are an investment in quality and capability.
  • Balanced Investment: They strike a great balance between advanced features and affordability, making them a smart choice for professionals and serious enthusiasts alike.

Enhanced Capabilities

  • Deeper Dives: These ROVs aren’t afraid of a little depth. With greater depth ratings, they’re equipped to take on more challenging underwater tasks.
  • Advanced Maneuverability: Expect smoother, more responsive controls. These drones can navigate trickier underwater landscapes with ease, making them ideal for detailed inspections.

Upgraded Camera and Sensors

  • Sharper Images: Enhanced camera systems mean better quality visuals. It’s like upgrading from a smartphone camera to a professional DSLR – the difference is clear.
  • Sonar and More: Many mid-range models come equipped with sonar and additional sensors, offering a more comprehensive view of the underwater world.

Professional Applications

  • Ship Hull Inspections: With their improved capabilities, these drones are perfectly suited for more detailed and thorough inspections of ship hulls.
  • Versatile Use: Whether it’s for scientific research, environmental monitoring, or maritime industry tasks, these ROVs are up to the task.

Ideal Users

  • Professional Users: If you’re in the maritime industry, science, or environmental sectors, these drones are tailored for your more demanding needs.
  • Enthusiasts Seeking More: Perfect for those who have outgrown basic models and are looking for an upgrade without going all-in on the most expensive options.

Click here to find your Ideal Underwater ROV

Advanced/Professional Models: The Elite of Underwater Exploration

When only the best will do, Advanced/Professional Model ROVs are the cream of the underwater crop. Engineered for the most demanding commercial and industrial applications, these ROVs are the heavyweights of the deep. Let’s unpack their impressive features:

Did You Know? Blueye ROVs can be deployed in under 2 minutes and operated in depths u to 1,000 feet.

Investment in Excellence

  • Premium Pricing: Starting from $50,000 and soaring to over $200,000, these drones represent a significant investment in cutting-edge technology.
  • Value for High Demands: While they come with a higher price tag, the level of capability and versatility they offer justifies the investment for those who need the best.

Unmatched Performance

  • Deep-Sea Ready: Designed to withstand significant depths, these drones are your go-to partners for serious deep-water exploration.
  • Power and Precision: Expect top-notch maneuverability and power. These ROVs can navigate the most challenging underwater terrains with the finesse of a skilled diver.

State-of-the-Art Technology

  • Superior Imaging: With advanced camera systems, every detail is captured in stunning clarity. It’s like having an underwater film studio at your disposal.
  • Advanced Sensory Suite: High-resolution sonar, sophisticated sensors – these ROVs miss nothing. They bring the unseen world into sharp focus.

Robust and Feature-Rich

  • Manipulator Arms: Some models come equipped with manipulator arms, adding a whole new level of functionality – from collecting samples to performing repairs.
  • Built Tough: Designed for the tough environments of the commercial and industrial sectors, they’re the armored tanks of the underwater drone world.

Targeted Users

  • Industrial and Commercial Giants: Ideal for industries where only the highest standards will suffice – think oil and gas exploration, advanced maritime operations, and critical scientific research.
  • Serious Technophiles: For those who want the most advanced technology and are willing to invest in top-tier equipment, these models are a dream come true.

Additional Cost Considerations: Beyond the Sticker Price

As you journey through the world of underwater drones, keep in mind that the adventure doesn’t end at the purchase price. There are a few extra treasures (or expenses, rather) to consider to ensure your underwater escapade is smooth sailing:

Maintenance and Repairs

  • Keep it Shipshape: Regular maintenance is key to keeping your drone in top condition. Budget for routine check-ups and potential repairs.
  • Fixer-Uppers: Accidents happen, especially in challenging underwater environments. Factor in the cost of occasional repairs to keep your ROV diving deep.

Upgrades and Accessories

  • Enhance Your Experience: Want to boost your drone’s capabilities? Upgrades and additional accessories can enhance performance but add to your overall investment.
  • Accessorize Wisely: From extra batteries to specialized sensors, the right accessories can make a big difference in your drone’s utility.

Training and Certification

  • Learn the Ropes: Especially for the more advanced models, proper training can be crucial. Consider the cost of training courses to master your drone’s capabilities.
  • Certification Costs: In some cases, operating advanced underwater drones may require certification, which can come with its own set of fees.

Software Subscriptions and Updates

  • Stay Updated: Software updates can improve functionality and security. While some updates are free, others, especially premium features, may require a subscription or one-time payment.
  • Subscription Services: Advanced mapping, data analysis software, or cloud storage for your underwater footage may require ongoing subscriptions.


  • Safety Net: Insurance can protect your investment from unexpected mishaps. It’s an additional cost but can save you a lot in the long run.

Transport and Storage

  • On the Move: Consider how you’ll transport your ROV to various locations. Larger, more advanced models might require special transport solutions.
  • Safe Haven: Proper storage solutions protect your drone from the elements and prolong its life, but may also add to your expenses.

Click here to find your Ideal Underwater ROV

So there you have it – think of ROVs as your trusty sidekicks for hull inspections. They’re not just cool tech toys; they’re serious money-savers. By bringing these handy gadgets on board, you’re cutting down on hefty diving costs and saying goodbye to unnecessary dry dock visits. These ROVs work fast, dodge the risks of deep dives, and give you the lowdown on your hull’s health without the drama. It’s like having a top-notch mechanic who works underwater, minus the coffee breaks. In the long run, they’re like golden tickets to smoother sailing and healthier hulls – a smart investment for any savvy ship owner.